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Jennifer Rose Eyring - Online Memorial Website

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Jennifer Eyring
Born in Ohio
16 years
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Faith Ashley Merry Christmas Jenny! December 25, 2012
Today is Christmas day. All across the world. Even in Heaven.

Merry Christmas My friend. The date is 12.25.2012. It has been one heck of a year for us, but we have managed to make it through yet another year. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. You were my best friend. You were my sister. You were everything to me, and because of that, I thank you. And God. I know you visit me from time to time. I can feel your spirit with me. I miss you so dearly. We have had so many secrets. So many things that we shared, and I have never forgotten anything you have ever told me. With this being Christmas time, it is about giving love and joy to others. I have recieved your gift. I woke up this morning feel sad and a little down, but then something came over me telling me we were going to get through it. It was you. I pray all the time. I think about all the what ifs and wonder about where we would stand today. We are still best friends. Nobody will replace you. Nobody will ever replace the feelings that only sisters could have.
Every now and then, when my boys are in bed, I go outside and look up at the sky. I occasionally see a shooting star or two. And I wish. I wish for us to be reunited one day. I wish for us to speak again and laugh and joke about things. Even the little things in life are things to be appreciative about. Because I know that one day we will meet again. I know that we will speak again. Laugh again. Joke again. Even ride the horses in Heaven. I know. And you a role model to all of us. Every child and adult in this world, looks up at you. Even me. And when my little guy is old enough to understand conversations, I will mention you. I will tell him everything I know about you. When I talk to him now about you, I refer to you as 'Aunt Jenny'. I love this memorial blog. Because I know that as I am tping this, you are reading it behind my shoulder. I can feel you there. I love you Jennifer Rose. Merry Christmas from my family to yours. You will hear from me again soon. I promise. <3

Faith, Noah&Steven 
Aunt Cindy
Jenny, I miss you more as time goes by.  I know that someday we will all be together again! I do look forward to that more pain, only joy! I miss our trips each fall to Nashville!  I am rememberng how excited you would get for these trips, savng your money for months!!  I love you my JennJenn! 
I have so many great memories of you. Spending the night at each others homes, and staying up all night long, talking..laughing...giggling about the little things. Going to your B-day party at Chukie Cheese's...Throwing roller skates at my cat, just because she was very afraid of us. Playing barbie dolls, and horses. The main part that I loved about you was that you were there for me. You helped me through the thick and thin. You were my sister, and I thank God for giving me that opportunity. You were special. You were unique in your own way. You had this passion for horses, love and genorosity. If there was anything that I could change about you, I wouldn't have changed a thing. You are perfect. You still are. I love you Jennifer Rose. We will meet again. There is no such thing as goodbye. Until next time, I will 'see you later'!
Janet (mom)

Wow.  Where do I start.  Jennifer was an "old soul".  She never said an unkind word about anyone.  She accepted everyone for who they were.  Jennifer was a happy child.  She used to like to dress up in my slips and jewelry when she was wee little.  She used to love to make "magic carpets" out of her sleeping bags on the floor in front of the TV to watch her movies.  Her very best and first friend ever, Meghan Nye, used to spend hours and hours together playing doll house and barbie dream house.  Jennifer never really liked school; well; she did in the earlier years but as kids became mean and unkind, it became increasingly harder for her to go.  Jennifer, Steve & I took many family vacations together.  We are so thankful for this.  We did a couple of cruises to the Eastern and Western Carribean, took a train ride out West, and saw the country.  Went to Florida and visited many ports of call and beaches!!  Went to the smoky mountains and horseback rode in the mountains!  At the age of 8, Jennifer asked me if she could take horseback riding lessons.  Her first love became a reality at this moment.  From that point on, she loved horses and they became her life!  She took horseback riding lessons all over NorthEast Ohio, did many horse camps and had a ball.  Joined a 4-H group.  At the age of 12, she wanted to volunteer and work with the animals at the Farmpark (part of our Metroparks).  Then at age 14 she wanted to work back in the equestrian center at the Farmpark but you had to be age 16.  Susan Townsend who is still in charge of the Equestrian Center, knew who Jennifer was from working there and told her she could ride test and if she passed, she could start working at age 14 with the horses and be part of the Light Horse Brigade.  Well on our way out there she was so nervous.  I told her how proud she should be just for the fact she was asked to ride test at this age.  She passed and the rest is history.  When we would drop her off to volunteer or go to a LHB meeting, she used to say "this is my heaven on earth".  Jenny so badly wanted her own horse.  At the age of 16, she got her wish.  She was the proud owner of a quarter horse named Jitterbug.  Oh how she loved him.  She loved to barrel race.  She was a natural on the back of a horse. 

Jenny was very close with all of us.  She loved to be with family.  Her Aunt Cindy, Grandma and Grampa Campbell and cousin Brian were very very close to her.  She loved her Aunt and her Grama Campbell so so very much.  At the age of 16, my daughter would hold my hand in public as we took walks.  Oh Jennifer how I remember your sweet ways.  I do not know very many teen girls that would hold their moms hand in public and be proud of it!!!!  You my darling, were special.  So special.  I hold you in the forefront of my every waking thought, and my heart each time it beats, beats for two.  I live for you my pumpkin noodle!!!

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